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Recent Exhibitions
Regional Juried Show, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY Best in Show
Regional Juried Show, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY - third prize
Ithaca Artists Market, Ithaca, NY
Regional Juried Show, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
Regional Juried Show (3 pieces) State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
Elmira College, Gannett Tripp Library, Elmira, NY
The ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes, Points of Inspiration (2 pieces) Corning, NY
Street Views Community Arts of Elmira, Elmira, NY
Ithaca Artists Market, Ithaca, NY
Regional Juried Show, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
Small Works Juried Show, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY - honorable mention
Kristie's Cafe, Elmira, NY
The ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes, Corning, NY
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show in Hammondsport, NY
Gallery Gala, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY
The ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes, Corning, NY
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show in Hammondsport, NY
Summer Clearance: Everything Must Go @ The Farm Gallery, Elmira, NY
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show in Hammondsport, NY
By 67, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
ERAS Palette Award Exhibition, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira
Homegrown Art, Franklin Street Gallery, Watkins Glen, NY
12x12<150, The ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes, Corning, NY
Several by Seven @ The Farm Gallery, Elmira, NY
Elmira Open Studio Tour and Cinelmira Film Festival
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show in Hammondsport, New York
Janowski & Smith Corning Country Club, Corning, New York
Janowski & Smith Steele Memorial Library, Elmira, NY
Miscellanea Exhibit A, Corning, NY
Palette Award Exhibition Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY
ERAS Group Exhibition Gmeiner Art Center, Wellsboro, PA
Janowski & Smith Steele Memorial Library, Elmira, NY
Elmira Open Studio Tour Exhibition Community Arts of Elmira
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show iHammondsport, New York
Elmira Open Studio Tour and Cinelmira Film Festival screening five new short films
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show in Hammondsport, New York
Group Show, Waking Up in the South, Rural Research Laboratories, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY
Winter Solstice V Expressions of Our Time and Place The Studio, Armonk, New York
Monochrome, Elmira College, Elmira, New York, 3 films
Elmira Open Studio Tour and Cinelmira Film Festival screening eleven new short films
Outside the Box, Rural Research Laboratories, Corning, New York
Keuka Lake Art Association Annual Art Show, screened 12 new films in the Square
Temporary Tattoos, Rural Research Laboratories, Sayre, Pennsylvania
Steele Memorial Library (Elmira, New York) Winter Film Festival “Blades of Grass”, “Grampa, His Banjo, and 2 Kids”
First Friday at the Waverly Opera House Waverly, New York - all recent films
Inclinations Elmira College Exhibition of Contemporary Photography
Elmira Open Studio Tour and Cinelmira Film Festival, Elmira, New York
Mobile Matinee, Rural Research Laboratories, Sayre, Pennsylvania, Waverly, New York
Elmira College Alumni Art Exhibition, Elmira, New York
667 Shotwell Projects 2004: Group Show San Francisco short film “Blow-Torched Eggs” as part of Tom Oberg’s Projects from the "Rural Condition," Rural Research Laboratories
Elmira Open Studio Tour and Cinelmira Film Festival screening eleven short films
Elmira Open Studio Tour
Recent Presentations
Short video - Elmira's 150 Birthday Celebration, Clemens Center, Elmira, NY
Key note speaker for APHNYS, Association of Public Historians of New York State, Elmira, NY
Artist Panel for Monochrome, Elmira College, Elmira, New York
Intersections of Image and Text in Art and Media, Elmira College, Art and Lectures Committee - screened eleven films and spoke about art videos
Elmira College Women's Studies Program - screened four films and spoke on the transition from traditional artist tools to modern technology.
2008 - present Loretta Crittenden Gallery,
2003 - 2008 Pointe Coupée Gallery, New Roads, Louisiana
1996-2001 Art Mission Gallery, Binghamton, New York
1985-1995 Allen Smith Gallery, Elmira, New York
1978-1982 Elmira College Elmira, New York. B.A., Studio Art - painting. Graduated Cum Laude
1983-1986 Elmira College, Elmira, New York. Graduate studies - sculpture
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